From the Dr’s office: Windows 7—A Healthy Choice

Sometimes you need doctors to give human consumable descriptions – and Bill Crounse’s post on Windows 7 – summed up my experiences with Windows 7 much more eloquent then I could :-)

I especially love the DirectAccess feature – which let’s me have access to all my corporate resources (web sites, SharePoint, file shares, etc) while working from home or on the road - no need to VPN/RAS into corporate.

Windows 7—A Healthy Choice

Let me be perfectly honest.  At some level, an operating system is just an operating system.  image_2[1]Whether you hang out in the C-suite, in the IT department, on the ward, or in the operating room; you just want your  computer to work.  Having said that, I think anyone who truly enjoys computing as I do and how the personal computer helps us do our work (communicate, collaborate, locate the information we need, improve clinical practice, patient safety and the quality of patient care) will simply love working with Windows 7.  Why?

HealthBlog : Windows 7—A Healthy Choice

Cross Posted from Dan Fay's Blog (\_fay)