Are You Using PowerTools for Open XML?

About three months ago, I posted the PowerTools for Open XML on CodePlex.  I also posted a video on installing and using them.  The response has been very positive – more than 1000 downloads, a lot of blog posts, and some news stories.  I’ve received a fair amount of email regarding them.

This blog is inactive.
New blog:

Blog TOCI'd like to determine the extent of their use.  Have you used the PowerTools in a real-world situation?  What problems have you solved using them?  If you are using them, and find them valuable, please let me know.  You can either leave a comment on this post or email me (click the EMAIL link on this blog).

The more support I can show, the easier it is to justify further effort on them.

Thanks, Eric

P.S. I’m always happy to receive email sent to me through my blog – on PowerTools, Open XML, functional programming, or anything else.  I always respond. :-)