Get a taste of the benefits of signing up to MPR–three FREE days of SharePoint 2010 development training Feb 9th to 11th

In brief…. take 1 minute to register today if you are UK based and work for a company that creates software products and want to dig into SharePoint 2010 development for FREE with a great UK based SME (subject matter expert).

And… if you want to understand the background, read on :-)

Microsoft Platform Ready is where we are aggregating resources to help companies who develop software products explore and adopt the latest technologies from Microsoft. There are many benefits to signing up (e.g. the Cloud Essentials Pack) including access to training. I have previously posted about the Three Days of Online Training on SharePoint 2010 development which is available to companies registered on MPR.

However… I wanted to surface this training more widely to give a taster to companies of the kind of benefits you get from signing up to MPR.

The training is 100% free and you don’t need to leave the comfort of your office/house/starbucks (other coffee shops with wifi do exist)


Day 1 (Live Meeting 3 hours) 1:30 - 4:30
•         Getting Started with SharePoint: Understand why and how to start developing for SharePoint 2010
•         SharePoint 2010 Developer Roadmap:  Explore the new capabilities and features
•         UI Enhancements: How to take advantage of the many UI enhancements including the fluent UI ribbon and  extensible dialog system.
Day 2 (Live Meeting 3 hours) 1:30 - 4:30
•         Visual Studio 2010 Tools for SharePoint 2010: Overview of the project and item templates and a walkthrough of the designers
•         Sandboxed Solutions: The new deployment model can help mitigate the risk of deploying custom code  
•         LINQ to SharePoint:  SharePoint now fully supports LINQ for querying lists
Day 3 (Live Meeting 3 hours) 1:30 - 4:30
•         Client Object Model: The Client OM can be accessed via web services, via a client (JavaScript) API, and via REST
•         Accessing External Data: Business Connectivity Services (BCS) enables integration with back end systems
•         Workflow: A powerful mechanism to create functionality using Windows Workflow Foundation

Register today

P.S. I should have a March date to share next week for a repeat of this training.
