This blog has moved to

And the feed is now 

I have explained why over on IUpdateable. Hopefully this won’t cause you too much trouble. Don’t forget to update your favourite blog reader to use Thanks for taking the time.

You should expect:

  • Information on the very latest developer related technologies for building applications for Windows – client, server and cloud.
  • A strong bias towards data - Object Relational Mapping, “Data in the Cloud”, Syncing data, RDBMS systems, N-tier data etc.
  • Specifically I will be initially covering the ADO.NET Entity Framework, ADO.NET Data Services, SQL Data Services, LINQ, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Entities, Windows Azure
  • And I will be therefore be using Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 to do it.

Whilst “back in the day” I was a very good developer, I pretty much stopped doing any significant development before Visual Studio 2005 shipped. I am (slowly) getting back into regular development as part of my new role and to add to the fun I decided to learn Visual Basic 2008 rather than the more obvious (for me anyway) C# 3.0. Which means you should also expect:

  • A lot of posts using Visual Basic .NET but not exclusively
  • More and more code in my posts over time.

Finally,  I am based in the UK which means that there will also be a bunch of UK specific stuff – events, conferences, opportunities etc. I also happen to be the technical editor of the UK MSDN Flash, hence expect some Flash related stuff from time to time.

P.S. I do continue to have another blog on msdn – which is just on VB things.