Four tools that have managed to stay on my machine into October

I have just finished my regular clean out of tools that I have installed and which have not passed the “Am I still using it 1 month on?” test.

The four that remain are:

  • PPTFlex – which gives you a completely different paradigm for delivering a presentation – taking you away from a linear delivery. A little temperamental to get installed on some machines and unfortunately you loose all your slide animations when you present using the tool (you can still do a normal presentation). Well worth a play if you present regularly and would like to “bounce around” :-)
  • Foxit to read pdf’s. It is a tiny download and is fast at working with pdfs – and so far no issues with any pdfs I have worked with. It is a keeper :-)
  • Fiddler web debugging proxy. This free tool allows me to inspect and “fiddle” with all my HTTP traffic which is great for understanding ADO.NET Data Services and SQL Server Data Services.
  • Desknotes on codeplex for “post it” like features. I have tried many of these over the years and none passed my “Am I still using it 1 month on?” test. This one has. Very nice C# application that does not get in the way and works just great – even with some ltd outlook integration. And – it is on if you
