Hyper-V - looking good...

I sit in a group made up of devs (and ex-devs) and infrastructure folks. While "my half" looks forward to new releases of the .NET Framework the other half seem to get all excited about stuff without an API - surely everything has an API!? They all seem especially happy at the moment as Hyper-V has now been released and is getting great press.

If you were at Microsoft Management Summit 2008 and heard Bob Muglia’s Keynote, you already know that MSDN.microsoft.com (MSDN) and TechNet.microsoft.com (TechNet) have been successfully running on Hyper-V.  MSDN since March 31 2008 and TechNet since April 18 2008. Yep - our beloved MSDN is entirely running on Hyper-V. Did you notice the switchover? No - nor did I.

Virtualization (in its many forms) is going to become increasingly the target platform for many of the applications we are and will work on and therefore as developers we need to understand it more than we currently do. The good news - there is no shortage of places to look: