UK ISV delivers MDX Query Builder control

A month or so back I was lucky enough to find myself in a SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence lab with Andrew Wiles of IT Workplace ( Andrew was working on their new MDX control which they have now released as a product and also represents the basis of two additional products. Yep - three great MDX products from one company :-)

  1. Intelligenica OLAP Controls - great if you want to add an MDX capability to your application
  2. Intelligenica Query for BIDS - add MDX capabilities into Visual Studio
  3. Intelligenica for Word - a power user tool for building rich documents from data

We were all very impressed with the MDX control and the rather nice use of the Office ribbon licensed from Microsoft. If MDX is your thing, then check out the handy video Andrew subsequently produced showing the great features:  (640x480)  (1024x768)

And for those of us who like a picture.... KPIs

and spreadsheet like calculations