SQL Server 2005 will not include database mirroring

Hi all - just noticed several of my ealy adopters had missed this, so thought I  had best make it "more visible".

Last week we gave an update on SQL Server 2005 progress to launch (which is going very well...) and as part of that we announced that we will be delaying the release of teh Databse Mirroring capability until 1st half 2006. I know many of you were excited about this feature and it is a shame that we will need to wait a little longer - but this is absolutely the right decision to ensure we deliver a great v1 offering.

From https://www.microsoft.com/sql/2005/productinfo/letter.mspx

"One lesson we learned is that we believe our Database Mirroring feature needs more time in the hands of customers before we make it generally available for production use. The feature is complete, has passed extensive internal testing, and we are committed to making it generally available in the first half of 2006. We will continue to field-test the feature with customers and will release it for general use as soon as you tell us it is ready."