SQL Server 2005 Service Broker sites and articles

So - I realised the other day that across all my early adopters I don't have any active on Service Broker. It occurred to me that in part, this is because I haven't really been championing. As it so happens I then came across a US ISV over in the UK that was very excited about Service Broker and mentioned that a site was being started to look at development with Service Broker. So ... one to watch is https://www.sqlservicebroker.com/forums/ - currently contains a few samples and littel traffic - lets all help it out. From here I then discovered a nice set of articles at https://www.dotnetfun.com/Articles.aspx?ci=11 (nice work Michael).

If you are a UK ISV doing interesting stuff with Service Broker then drop me a line - I would love to hear from you.