Which SQL Server 2005 features are folks intersted in?

I was just browsing the very good https://www.SqlServerCentral.com and came across a survey they conducted in March (not sure how I missed it) on which features of 2005 folks were most keen to have...

You will need to register to see it, however it is well worth a quick scan. I am a sucker for surveys and stats :) https://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/bknight/sqlserver2005surveyresults.asp

Couple of bits thats stuck out for me:

  • Looks like traditional developers recognise we have added some great (and needed) security and tsql enhancements. I will try and make sure we give some ample air time to these areas in our sessions for the UK.
  • 48% felt they would upgade at RTM or within a few months - which is very welcome from my perspective!