The correct answer is "no"

No technology today. I have not done a post on relationship advice in ages!

Compare and contrast these two conversations:


Version One:

Alice: Thanks for having lunch with me. I suppose you know what I want to talk about.

Eric: Yeah, I do. I think you shouldn't jump to conclusions solely on the basis of all the rumours that are going around. There are any number of perfectly innocent reasons why Bob and Eve could have been seen together at Chez Franch together last month.

Alice: What?!

Eric: Huh?

Alice: First she intercepts my email, then she steals my boyfriend?!? Passive attacker my eye!

This conversation, already off to a bad start, is not going to get any better.


Version Two:

Alice: Thanks for having lunch with me. I suppose you know what I want to talk about.

Eric: No, I do not.

Alice: I was hurt that you didn't invite me to the book signing.

Eric: I did invite you to the book signing. Check your spam filter.

Alice: [boot laptop, search email...] Ah. Yes you did invite me. And I see your new book is called "Make Money Fast With Nigerian Viagra"; did anyone actually get the invitation?

Eric: Hmm, that might explain the low turnout.


Important human relationship safety tip: the correct answer to "do you know what I am thinking? " is "no". Remember, there are at least two thick slabs of bone between your brain and everyone else's brain. Those thick slabs of bone impede telepathy.