Trivial Projections Are (Usually) Optimized Away

OK, computers aren't entirely dumb when it comes to LINQ. Here's an example of a place where we're a bit smarter.

Consider the following query:

IEnumerable<int> query = from n in number_array orderby n select n;

Does this get transformed by the compiler into

IEnumerable<int> query = number_array.OrderBy(n => n);


IEnumerable<int> query = number_array.OrderBy(n => n).Select( n => n );


This question caused tremendous debate amongst the members of the C# design and implementation teams. I am quite happy with the compromise we achieved.

The sections of the C# specification which cover this topic are sections, and


A query expression of the form “from x in e select v” is translated into “( e ) . Select ( x => v )” except when v is the identifier x, the translation is simply “( e )”

A query expression of the form “from x in e select x” is translated into “( e ) . Select ( x => x )”.

A degenerate query expression is one that trivially selects the elements of the source. A later phase of the translation removes degenerate queries introduced by other translation steps by replacing them with their source. It is important however to ensure that the result of a query expression is never the source object itself, as that would reveal the type and identity of the source to the client of the query. Therefore this step protects degenerate queries written directly in source code by explicitly calling Select on the source. It is then up to the implementers of Select and other query operators to ensure that these methods never return the source object itself.


It might sound like the second statement contradicts the first. The first statement says that the “.Select(x=>v)” is omitted when “v” is “x”, and the second statement says that no, the “.Select(x=>x)” is in fact generated.

The spec is not particularly clear on this point, I agree, though the explanatory text about “degenerate query expressions” does help clear it up somewhat. Basically what we are saying here is that the optimization to remove degenerate selects is only performed on the result of an earlier query translation.

Some examples will help.

If you have from n in number_array orderby n select n then this is first translated into from n in (number_array).OrderBy(n=>n) select n and then, since the selector is the same as the range variable, this is translated into ((number_array).OrderBy(n=>n)).

We optimize away the Select(n=>n) because from n in (number_array).OrderBy(n=>n) select n is the intermediate result of an earlier query translation.

If you had from n in number_array select n then this would be considered a degenerate query expression requiring a Select. We cannot simply translate it into (number_array) because then you could assign that to a variable and have referential identity with the collection. The result of the query should not “leak” information about the collection out; it should just be an enumerable object of the appropriate type, and not have an identity relationship. Therefore, we take the performance hit and protect the identity of the collection by emitting a degenerate query translation (number_array).Select(n=>n).

This is important because the collection might be a mutable collection. One does not expect that the result of a query over that collection could be used to mutate the collection! The query results should be read-only.

We do not need to append the degenerate Select(n=>n) when you have an “orderby” in there because the OrderBy(n=>n) call already protects the identity of the original collection. This saves on the performance cost of the no-op Select.

I think we’ve made a reasonable compromise in the case of degenerate queries. If you are crazy enough to write “from x in xs select x” when you mean “(xs)”, then you’ll have to live with the decreased performance. But if you are introducing a degenerate select at the end of a meaningful query, then it will be optimized away.