Path Finding Using A* in C# 3.0, Part Three

In order to make the A* algorithm work we need to get the lowest-estimated-cost-path-discovered-so-far out of the list of paths under consideration. The standard data structure for doing so is called a “priority queue”. Priority queues are so-called because they are typically used to store a list of jobs where each job has an associated priority.

Now, there’s a bit of a semantic problem with priority queues in that we typically think of “priority 1” as being higher priority than “priority 2”, even though 1 is a smaller number than 2. Fortunately for us, that is exactly what we want in this case; the “highest priority” path is the one with the least estimated cost.

There are lots of ways to implement priority queues – I have a nice example of an immutable priority queue that I’ll probably blog about at some point, but for now, let’s go with an old-fashioned mutable priority queue.

A priority queue can be implemented as list of sub-queues with the list sorted in priority order. The implementation is pretty straightforward:

class PriorityQueue<P, V>
private SortedDictionary<P, Queue<V>> list = new SortedDictionary<P, Queue<V>>();
public void Enqueue(P priority, V value)
Queue<V> q;
if (!list.TryGetValue(priority, out q))
q = new Queue<V>();
list.Add(priority, q);
public V Dequeue()
// will throw if there isn’t any first element!
var pair = list.First();
var v = pair.Value.Dequeue();
if (pair.Value.Count == 0) // nothing left of the top priority.
return v;
public bool IsEmpty
get { return !list.Any(); }

We could implement IEnumerable<V>, a Peek operation, etc, but this is all we need for A*, so let’s not go crazy here.

Next time: now we have all the parts we need to implement A*, so let's do it already.