Strolling Around VSLive

Yesterday I was taking a break from manning the Visual Studio booth down here at VSLive, and kind of wandering around saying hi to people. Had a nice chat with Mike, talked to some customers, checked out what the latest crop of productivity tools looks like -- you know how it goes at these events. I wandered past a booth and caught out of the corner of my eye the words "SQL Anywhere". 

"Holy cow," I said to the booth guy, "there's a product I haven't written any code for in a while".

 "How's that?" the Sybase booth guy asked. 

"I wrote the first ODBC driver for the product that was eventually renamed SQL Anywhere. But that was long before Sybase owned it."

"That must have been some time ago."

"That would be, uh, let me think -- 1992."

He really had no response to that. 

Now I feel old.