Bio for my new book

When I first started writing columns for MSDN, my author bio was pretty dry. But, over time, I started to play around with it a bit. For example, in one of my columns, I ended the bio with:

He's been programming long enough that he knows what 8-inch diskettes are and could once mount tapes with one hand.

or, from another one:

In his spare time, he's preparing a monograph on the rise of cross-dressing vis-à-vis the 1970s sketch comedy.


In his spare time, he's pursuing a doctorate in cat juggling with a concentration in Persians.

I hope that at least somebody in my audience understands the reference.

Nobody ever said anything about those little blurbs, even when I wrote:

He wonders if anybody ever reads this bio.

Did any of you ever read them? If so, please add a comment.

Anyway, for the book, Apress asked me for an updated bio, and here's what I wrote:

After nearly a decade of programming at companies focusing on aerospace, databases, and bankruptcy, Eric was somewhat surprised to find himself working at Microsoft. He was test lead for the Visual C++ compiler for several years, and then became the test lead and joined the language design team for the language that was eventually named C#. After the first release of Visual C#, he experimented with the Program Manager role both on and off the language design team. He is currently a developer on the Windows Movie Maker team.

He blogs at, where he specializes in bad jokes, uninteresting and/or off-topic links, and the occasional nugget of C#-related content.

In his spare time, he enjoys skiing, cycling, home improvement, microcontroller-based holiday decorations, pinball, Halo 2, and writing about himself in the third person.