Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Enterprise Portal Quick starts and Screen casts

Enterprise Portal in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 is built on and provides full power and flexibility to developers to build real , modern, interactive and responsive web applications for intranet, extranet and Internet scenarios.


For any new platform adoption by developers, good documentation supported by simple to understand code samples are very much essential. When debuted , Quick start samples helped many people get a grasp of the new technology, acquaint with the controls, APIs and syntax and was the starting place for all.


Same way to help Microsoft Dynamics AX developer community and developer community to easily adopt Enterprise Portal, the EP framework and application teams built number of simple, brief, easy to use samples for various controls & APIs. The dev support team reviewed and edited these quick starts and UA team helped us to publish these. This email is to announce the broad availability of these resources on msdn. Please leverage these great assets to familiarize with EP and help evangelize, sell, implement, customize and support Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 EP better.


EP Quick starts


EP Screen casts

Other EP Links



Few more quickstarts are going to be uploaded in the next few weeks. They are currently undergoing the review process. Below is the complete list of quick starts that will be made available through the axcodesamples site


Many Thanks to



Sample Code owner

Creating a Basic Grid

Quick Start for creation of a basic grid.

Chad Waldman

Creating a Basic Form

Quick Start for creation of a basic form.

Tim Nash

Creating a MultiSection Form

Quick Start for creation of a multi-section form. Includes information on changing section visibility programmatically.

Kaiyu Wu

Creating a Tunnel Form

Quick Start for creation of a tunnel form.

Hitesh Jawa

Creating and Using Proxy Classes

Quick Start for creating and using your own application proxy classes. Includes information on updating the application proxy in the AOT with new values, deploying the proxy file for use in Managed User Controls, and calling methods on the proxy class from the user control.

Rich Lazar

Creating Links Based on Menu Items

Quick Start for creation of links using Menu Items. Includes information on security trimming, client menu items for the role center, and web menu items.

Chad Waldman

Updating and Defaulting on a Form

Quick Start for advanced form usage. Includes information on updating, defaulting, validation, and redirection. Validation should cover the AxValueFormatterValidator and X++ logic found in DataSets and Tables.

Arif Kureshy

Creating an Advanced Grid

Quick Start for advanced grids. Includes information on creating and using ranges, default sorting, and calculated fields. Range information should cover the Locked, Hidden, and Open types. Calculated fields refers to Edit and Display methods on Tables.

Kenneth Puggaard

Adding a Toolbar to a Grid

Quick Start for the AxToolbar. Includes information on action menu items and programmatic interaction on row selection.

Kaiyu Wu

Using External Context

Quick Start for external context. Includes information on HyperlinkBoundFields in a grid, passing context to a form using an URL menu item and using context objects.

Mey Meenakshisundaram

Connecting a Fact Box to a Grid

Quick Start for fact boxes. Includes information on web part connections.

Nitin Shah

Error Handling in EP

Quick Start on proper error handling in EP. Includes information on the different types of EP exception derived from the AxException class and how to handle them.

Gaurav Gargate

Customizing Bound Field Lookups in a Grid

Quick start for modifying AxBoundField lookups.

Jeppe Oskar Meyer Larsen


Many thanks to above quickstart authors and Becky Newell& Bill Thompson for reviewing and validating the quickstarts, Dianne Siebold & Gene Milener for help publishing it and Steve Kubis, Dewey Stegmiller, Sue Brandt for their support. Many thanks to EP team and Jay, Sitaram, Ximing and Suki for supporting this effort overall.