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(Updated 6/21) -- Please go check out which is the released incarnation of this software!

I just posted the screen saver source to Flitter here.


It is now entirely configurable, both for Flickr and Twitter. To install, right click on the .scr file and click Install.  Click the settings button from within the screen saver user interface to configure it. This runs ONLY on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista.  If you are on XP or Server, you'll need to download the .NET Framework:

This is definitely v.  Please provide feedback, issues, bugs and any thing else that comes to mind.

Note that I had to pull the Facebook integration (for now) because I am using a .NET wrapper to Facebook that hasn't been released just yet, but it is coming soon...

I'm using all kinds of other people's code in this:

In future posts, I'll go into a little more about how Tim Aidlin, the designer behind this, and I built it.