MOSS 2007 SP1 with Infrastructure update slipstream optimization


Few months ago, I posted a little step-by-step tutorial to generate an ISO file to have a “ready to use” up to date source for MOSS 2007 setup (this post is still here).

The setup of this binary source is VERY long, and I looked for ways to improve this.

To remember, the Full Slipstream setup duration is 23 minutes and 19 seconds:

But, this ISO includes all the “CoreServerMUI” language MSP files:

I thought keeping only the one I need : “en-us” and “fr-fr”, I could earn something:

Setup duration is very similar: the “Light” Slipstream setup duration is 23 minutes and 21seconds:

Bad news: duration is the same …. more than 23 minutes in either case…

Good news: 237,340 KB space is earned…

... so I keep the light one (waiting for the SP2 slipstream release)

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