ThirstyDeveloper PodCast

While I was at the QAI conference in Chicago in May I had a chance to do an interview with Larry Clarkin, a Microsoft developer evangelist based in Milwaukee. Larry runs this cool podcast site at where he interviews various people on various topics of interest to developers.

I talked to Larry about performance testing, a topic I'm particularly passionate on (if you listen to the interview you'll hear that come through :)). Larry did a great job in the interview, it was fun! I hope you find it worthwhile. 

At the conference I did a talk on web and load testing product, and gave a glimpse of what we're working on for our next release. I also hung out with Angela Binkowski, a developer technical specialist from Chicago. Angela really did a terrific job getting MS engaged in the conference and personally championed the effort, expect more engagement of MS at test conferences in the future as we broaden our testing product line.
