extreme CRM 2011 Sponsors and ISVs—What They Can Do for Your Business

The event and marketing team from extreme shares this update in regards to the upcoming conference being held October 2-5, 2011 in Las Vegas.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Inside View. Cincom Acquire. Experlogix. Manticore Technology. The impressive list goes on and on. There are nearly two-dozen sponsors and exhibitors attending extreme CRM 2011 Las Vegas and they all have something to offer you and your business. 

Their companies represent a wide range of CRM-enhancing products such as:

  • marketing automation products
  • social media intelligence translators
  • smart phone CRM access software
  • web portal accelerators
  • cross-platform mobile software solutions
  • telephone integration and data matching products
  • product configuration technology

extreme CRM 2011 Las Vegas, in addition to providing you and your business with all you need to know about Microsoft Dynamics CRM, will be a one-stop shop for cutting edge technologies that can enhance the deployment and implementation of CRM. Creating a relationship with extreme sponsors and ISVs can assist you in finding the right CRM-based solution for each of your prospective clients.

Some relationships are meant to be. Take the time to make a few meaningful connections with the sponsors and ISVs at extreme CRM 2011.
