Microsoft Dynamics Cloud Partner Profitability Guide

We spent a considerable amount of time in January during the Business Leadership Roadshow discussing Microsoft and the Cloud, and how to assess a transition to the cloud.

Whether you have an existing Microsoft Dynamics ERP or Microsoft Dynamics CRM practice, or are investing in your first, now is the time to make strategic business decisions on your transition. You don’t have to do this alone; Microsoft has released the Dynamics Cloud Partner Profitability Guide.

With over 1,000 hours of research, interviews and analysis and more than 200 partners testing the content. This is the most comprehensive cloud business guide to date.

As Kim Smith, Director, Dynamics Cloud & CRM Partner Strategy, Microsoft Business Solutions explains, this guide will help Microsoft partners understand the key success factors for their transition to the cloud, in particular, when selling or delivering business application services and solutions. Every partner’s journey will be unique. While we cannot describe every possible issue and its solution; our goal is to provide some of the most relevant tools to develop a solid business plan.

The Microsoft Dynamics Cloud Partner Profitability Guide will help partners to:

  • Understand the market perception for services
  • Establish an execution roadmap by business function
  • Optimize business processes and investments
  • Apply profitability models to create a financial plan

Access the guide through either PartnerSource or the Microsoft Partner Network portal.
