Microsoft Dynamics Partner Support Response Times & Revised Support Hours for Spring/Summer 2011

The Microsoft Dynamics support and services teams have passed along this important news impacting both partners and customers.

Microsoft is continually improving how we deliver and address our partner support. Beginning July 1, 2011, partners who engage Microsoft technical support for Microsoft Dynamics products will experience improvements in how we handle support.

Partner satisfaction is our number one priority within Microsoft. This document should address many questions and concerns Microsoft Dynamics partners may have.

As part of the Partner Strategy Announcement with the new Partner Service Plan offerings, we mentioned that support response times would also be changing to a severity based response model. Microsoft support will strive to reach the response time goal based on the severity of the Service Request, as well as the Partner Service Plan, as outlined in the benefits summary of the Microsoft Dynamics Partner Service Plans.

Visit PartnerSource for more information.

Also, support hours are revised for springĀ and summer 2011 in North America. Complete details are found on PartnerSource.
