Policy Change Reminder for Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Here's a quick reminder of the recent changes we made to the Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics NAV enhancement plan requirements.

Enrollment in an enhancement plan is essential for customers to have access to the support and training they need as they purchase new functionality and users to expand their business. Beginning June 1, 2010, Microsoft began requiring all Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics AX (Module Based Licensing and Business Ready Licensing) customers to be enrolled in the Business Ready Enhancement Plan when making additional license purchases, such as additional modules and users.

This policy, which is consistent with our other Microsoft Dynamics products, allows us to extend additional value to our customers through innovative upgrades and updates. Remaining on a Business Ready Enhancement Plan is the right decision for customers to help them drive greater business value to their organization, leading to greater customer satisfaction over time.

Actions for partners:

  • Continue to leverage the policy change in your renewal efforts to encourage at-risk customers to stay on plan.
  • Continue to remind customers who are already on a plan, but may be unaware of the change, that enrollment in a plan is a "must" to ensure they have access to the support and training they need as their business grows and expands.

If you have questions or concerns, please send them to mbsservo@microsoft.com.

Visit PartnerSource to view the original policy change announcement.
