Watch WPC09 Microsoft Dynamics Value Keynote and Breakout Sessions On-Demand


Thanks to all those partners who attended our recent Worldwide Partner Conference in New Orleans, if that event is any indication of things to come, 2010 promises to be a very exciting year for all of us.

We had an outstanding program for our partners this year. The Value Keynotes for Dynamics were very well attended and received. We had somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 attendees across the two sessions. Doug Kennedy presented the FY10+ Microsoft Dynamics Partner Strategy. And Kirill Tatarinov presented a competitive framework for how we will compete with the Bandits, the Zombies, and the Dark Force.

We had 17 dedicated Microsoft Dynamics breakout sessions played to mostly packed rooms. All the sessions focused on effective sales and marketing, as well as specific business strategies and market insights related to Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions. More than 25 Dynamics partners were presenting with us on stage! Judging by the feedback we received, partners found these sessions to be highly informative, relevant, and useful. If you missed any, or weren't able to attend the conference, check out the presentations here.

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback to any of the sessions. We would be happy to hear from you. Give us your feedback.
