Stand-alone Microsoft Dynamics CRM available via Dynamics Price List - Additional Info

As of 1 May, 2009 customers have a wider choice and can buy stand-alone Microsoft Dynamics CRM via the Dynamics Price List (DPL), without the earlier ERP pre-requisites. Microsoft continues to sell Microsoft Dynamics CRM primarily via Volume Licensing, but by broadening the offer to sell CRM as a stand-alone via DPL, Microsoft aims at increasing the flexibility for customers and partners in how they acquire these licenses. We recommend that partners familiarize themselves with the detailed Q&A, in order to determine when this may be a suitable model for them and their customers.  A few highlights are worth calling out:

  • There is a cap of 200 seats per CRM customer under the DPL.
  • Standard SPA rules apply with regards to Discounts.
  • CRM pricing remains unchanged via the DPL.
  • CSA fees do not apply to CRM licenses sold via DPL.
