How to sign or encrypt a message programmatically from OOM

Q: How do I signal to Outlook to sign and / or encrypt a message from the Outlook object model?

A: There is not a first-class object or property to do this within the object model.  However, you can set the MAPI property PR_SECURITY_FLAGS.  The code below demonstrates this using the PropertyAccessor object:

Sub SignAndEncrypt()

    Const PR_SECURITY_FLAGS = ""

    Dim mi As MailItem

    Set mi = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem

    Dim prop As Long

    prop = CLng(mi.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(PR_SECURITY_FLAGS))

    ulFlags = ulFlags Or &H1 ' SECFLAG_ENCRYPTED

    ulFlags = ulFlags Or &H2 ' SECFLAG_SIGNED

    mi.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty PR_SECURITY_FLAGS, ulFlags

    Set mi = Nothing

End Sub