A standing invitation to F# users to "get in touch"

Over the years at the F# team we've managed to keep in touch with many of F# users, including individuals, universities and corporations. This is one of the things that makes the work really interesting!

The F# community is growing steadily, and this is becoming harder. However, it's still very useful for us to know who is using F# and for what sort of things: in particular it helps us plan our future development of the language and its tools.

As a result, I want to make a standing invitation to F# users to get in touch, either with myself directly (dsyme@microsoft.com), or via the fsbugs@microsoft.com alias, and let us know how you're using F#. Give as many or few details as you like - if you're just using it for a hobby, that's fine, we still love to hear from you. If you're using it at work, it would be great if you could let us know your domain of work (e.g. finance, simulation, CAD etc.) and the sort of problems you're tackling. If you have comments on the language, tooling or what is most important to cover in a next release, please feel free to include those.

This is a standing invite - please feel free to drop us a line anytime, or to update us on how your use of F# is evolving.

