WCF Case Studies Year 2

Two and a half years ago I put together an initial list of case studies involving WCF from the Microsoft case study site. I thought I'd give an update to gather together a list of case studies published since then. Today's list covers roughly a year stretching from the end of the previous list to approximately the time that Orcas SP1 was released. I haven't sorted the case studies by the version of WCF used, but I'd expect that in this batch you'd see the transition from .Net 3.0 to 3.5.

The basic premise has not changed since the first list. The Microsoft case study site is a collection of easily-digestible executive-style summaries of people using Microsoft products. However, finding the case studies about WCF in the collection is next to impossible. I've tried to select a collection of case studies that deals with WCF in interesting ways, which means that I've both probably missed some case studies that are interesting and included some case studies that only superficially use WCF.

  1. 90 Degree Software
  2. BBC Worldwide
  3. British Energy
  4. CASON
  5. CoStar
  6. Elia
  7. EMIS
  8. Hillsborough County, Florida
  9. huddle.net
  11. Logic Studio
  12. Newegg.com
  13. SCANA Corporation
  14. Spot Runner
  15. Tennessee Department of Human Services
  16. Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  17. Vital Images
  18. Wisenbaker Builder Services
  19. World Olympian Alliance