A Glitch in the Matrix

The autoposter ate today's regular post so I decided to fill this space with a quick Q & A about the future.

Q: Now that the June CTP is out, what we can expect in the next big release for WCF?

A: Here's the timeline for the RC1 release: Vista RC1 is expected in late August and WCF will include its RC1 version in that release as well. However, you shouldn't expect to see any drastic changes past the June CTP. The June CTP was a snapshot of the RC1 release when it was already pretty far along. This is very similar to the relationship between the February CTP and the Beta 2 release. Over all of WCF, I would expect that there will be a small amount of API changes and a large amount of bug fixing. The majority of the effort on the messaging layer is going to be targeted at fixing clogs in the processing pipeline.

The semi-digested post will appear on Monday as if all of this never happened.