Академия за ИТ Лидери представя Laurent Ellerbach


През следващата седмица, на 27.03.2012 от 18:00 в зала Мусала на ФМИ (бул. Джеймс Баучер 5) ще се проведе събитие от серията „Академия за ИТ Лидери“. Лектор ще бъде колегата ни Laurent Ellerbach, който идва тук специално за събитието и ще ни разкаже как можем да си програмираме „умни“ устройства, които да управляват всичко, което поискаме.

Презентацията е озаглавена “.NET Micro Framework: jump into the communicating objects and automate your home”

Ето и малко повече информация за самия Laurent:

Laurent Ellerbach drives the marketing and technical evangelism teams over Central and Eastern Europe targeting IT Pros and Developers. He is in charge to engage and satisfy technical audiences (professional developers, technical students and IT professionals) through online activities, events and content. Laurent manages remote teams in over 30 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Laurent has both an engineering degree from ParisTech Arts et Métiers and a Marketing degree from ESCP Europe. He loves both technologies and marketing, he is still developing overnight. He also gives marketing courses at HEC and other business schools as well as internally at Microsoft. He is the happy father of 2 boys and is also a fan of Lego, cheese and good wine.
