I have been chosen; Farewell my friends...

I have been in Premier Field Engineering for nearly 7 years (it was not even called PFE when I joined - it was just "another type of support"...) and I have to admit that it has been a fun, fun ride: I worked with awesome people and managed to make a difference with our products and services for many customers - directly working with some of those customers, as well as indirectly thru the OpsMgr Health Check program - the service I led for the last 3+ years, which nowadays gets delivered hundreds of times a year around the globe by my other fellow PFEs.

But it is time to move on: I have decided to go thru a big life change for me and my family, and I won't be working as a Premier Field Engineer anymore as of next week.

But don't panic - I am staying at Microsoft!

I have actually never been closer to Microsoft than now: we are packing and moving to Seattle the coming weekend, and on July 18th I will start working as a Program Manager in the Operations Manager product team, in Redmond. I am hoping this will enable me to make a difference with even more customers.

Exciting times ahead - wish me luck!

Your browser does not support the video tag.Farewell my friends, I go on to a better place

That said – PFE is hiring! If you are interested in working for Microsoft – we have open positions (including my vacant position in Italy) for almost all the Microsoft technologies. Simply visit https://careers.microsoft.com and search on “PFE”.

As for the OpsMgr Health Check, don't you worry: it will continue being improved - I left it in the hands of some capable colleagues: Bruno Gabrielli, Stefan Stranger and Tim McFadden - and they have a plan and commitment to update it to OpsMgr 2012.