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Exchange Development at TechEd

What have I been spending my time on this week?  Polishing my presentation on Exchange Development!  I'm presenting a MSG330:Exchange Development at TechEd San Diego this year, 5:30 pm Wednesday, room 32AB for those of you who are attending.  Many of you have no doubt seen Mindy Martin give a presentation with the same name in years past.  While I did start with her presentation and demos, I promise you that you will see new content and new demos!  (well, if the demos work, but isn't that always the case?)  If you have any areas you want to make sure I cover, now is the time to comment here or send me mail.  There may be time to squeeze a slide or two in if I wasn't already planning to talk about it. 

And, here's a chance to plug your favorite Exchange development-related web site.  I have a few slides of links at the end and I am always looking for more gems to reference.  Help your fellow Exchange developers by listing great sites and I'll put them in the deck. (and we'll make sure they're linked off of the Exchange web sites too)