Data Management gateway setup fails without any Error message to work with.

Recently I ran into issue where DMG fails to install and as such on error windows there is nothing with which I can work with.

I have shown screenshot of screen that it shows below. (two screenshots, start screen and failure screen)





Now what can I do with this error?

Pretty much nothing other than pulling my hair and scratching my head!!!

So I decided to enable logging for this MSI.


How to enable MSI logging?


Once you enable logging, logs will get generated in %temp%


When I looked into this logs I saw below entries,

ExecFirewallExceptions:  Installing firewall exception2 Data Management Gateway Host Service (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Management Gateway\1.0\Shared\diahost.exe)

MSI (s) (6C!54) [16:41:36:552]: Closing MSIHANDLE (90) of type 790531 for thread 1620

MSI (s) (6C!54) [16:41:36:552]: Creating MSIHANDLE (91) of type 790531 for thread 1620

ExecFirewallExceptions:  Error 0x800706d9: failed trying to find existing app

MSI (s) (6C!54) [16:41:36:553]: Closing MSIHANDLE (91) of type 790531 for thread 1620

MSI (s) (6C!54) [16:41:36:553]: Creating MSIHANDLE (92) of type 790531 for thread 1620

ExecFirewallExceptions: Error 0x800706d9: failed to add/update application exception for name 'Data Management Gateway Host Service', file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Management Gateway\1.0\Shared\diahost.exe'

MSI (s) (6C!54) [16:41:36:553]: Closing MSIHANDLE (92) of type 790531 for thread 1620


So I thought why it is not able to add firewall rule, so I checked firewall service and it was disabled!!




That explains why it is not able to add rule, so I went ahead and enabled firewall service. (you can disable firewall using firewall management utility  but there is no need of disabling firewall service as such.)



I again ran DMG setup after enabling firewall service and as expected it worked fine.



Of course error messages need to improve but till then happy fishing!!!!


Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions….