source code for Avalon WINHEC NNTP reader ...

This post is a follow up for

Some details of this sample project, I create this project to test out some features of Avalon [WinHEC version]. It’s currently all C# and MSBUILD. I have touched a few areas but on all –

1. Grid and other layout.
2. Animation
3. UIContext and Worker Thread
4. Vector Graphics
5. Brushes/Colors
6. XAML Serialization
7. Some use of C# Generic
8. ImageEffects

Here’s what I plan to improve in the near future:

1. Using Data Binding + ItemsCollection
2. Convert into XAML and code behind. (This will be a good comparison since converting into XAMLwill reduce the number lines in code) with all the VisualTree styling thingy.
3. Replace my logo with a 3d cube with Avalon 3d.

To build this .csproj, just use MSBUILD and setup LAPI environment variable. I believe it's all in WinHEC version of Longhorn. To get a copy of the zipped source code, click here. I have upgraded my web account to get extra bandwidth + I remove images and use Vector graphics to replace my image files. So when you see error on the link, probably I have run out of bandwidth. I'll update this link to point to when my files are <processed> over there.