USC: Background Image and Orienting a background image

With some software considerations, you can easily move the background image around to fit the orientation of the phone.

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Code Snippet

  1. using System;
  2. using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
  3. using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
  5. namespace OrientingYourDarnSelf
  6. {
  7.     /************************************************************
  8.      * ##Intro
  9.      * Comments that look like this one are the author's
  10.      * In production, you wouldn't use this type of comment
  11.      * as you would have to maintain or update them over the life
  12.      * of the software.
  13.      * I use this style so you can tell that I am talking to YOU!
  14.      * As you can see too much commenting makes your code seem
  15.      * clunky, but it is also useful if you are helping others
  16.      * such as students, hobbyists and others to learn how
  17.      * to create games.
  18.      ************************************************************/
  20.     public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
  21.     {
  22.         GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
  23.         SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
  24.          /****************************************************
  25.           * SpriteFont
  26.           *
  27.           * 1. Add a SpriteFont here to use in your code
  28.           * 2. Add a Vector to locate your Sprite
  29.           * 3. Add a String variable to store your string
  30.           *
  31.           * Then add the triple whack '///' to add comment
  32.           * to your intellisense code for each variable.  
  33.           * Which makes sense if the project gets BIG!
  34.           ***************************************************/
  36.         /// <summary>
  37.         /// Font used to demo the font and orientation
  38.         /// </summary>
  39.         SpriteFont WeirdoFont;
  40.         Color color = Color.Blue;
  41.         Color font_Color = Color.White;
  42.         /********************************************************************
  43.          * Adding the Texture2D memory location for the background and the
  44.          * rectangle to hold it
  45.          *******************************************************************/
  46.         Texture2D background;
  47.         Rectangle mainBackground_Portrait;
  48.         Rectangle mainBackground_Landscape;
  51.         public Game1()
  52.         {
  53.             graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
  54.             Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
  56.             // Frame rate is 30 fps by default for Windows Phone.
  57.             TargetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(333333);
  59.             // Extend battery life under lock.
  60.             InactiveSleepTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
  62.             /********************************************************************
  63.              * The following extended but singele line of code (a line of code
  64.              * is shown by the semi-colon), detects that type of orientation
  65.              * supported by the program
  66.              *******************************************************************/
  67.             graphics.SupportedOrientations =
  68.                                  DisplayOrientation.Portrait |
  69.                                  DisplayOrientation.LandscapeLeft |
  70.                                  DisplayOrientation.LandscapeRight;
  71.             graphics.IsFullScreen = false;
  72.         }
  75.         protected override void Initialize()
  76.         {
  77.             base.Initialize();
  78.         }
  80.         protected override void LoadContent()
  81.         {
  82.             /********************************************************************
  83.              * Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
  84.              * Inserted by the default XNA Template
  85.              *******************************************************************/
  86.             spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
  87.             /********************************************************************
  88.              * Load the Background Image, the image is drawn for landscape
  89.              * but I use the program to implement the switch
  90.              *******************************************************************/
  91.             background = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GameScreenBkgd");
  92.             /********************************************************************
  93.              * Load the font, I set the size larger inside of the spritefont
  94.              * XML file (In this program it is named:
  95.              * WeirdoFont.spritefont
  96.              *******************************************************************/
  97.             WeirdoFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("WeirdoFont");
  98.             /********************************************************************
  99.              * Set the rectangle parameters for the Portrait and Landscape (I use
  100.              * the same one for both the LandScapeLeft and LandScapeRight
  101.              * Note that Width and Height are reversed, this works because the
  102.              * background is relatively symteric, but it isn't really
  103.                    *******************************************************************/
  104.             mainBackground_Portrait =
  105.                 new Rectangle(0, 0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width,
  106.                                     GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height);
  107.             mainBackground_Landscape =
  108.                 new Rectangle(0, 0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height,
  109.                                     GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width);
  111.         }
  113.         protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
  114.         {
  115.             base.Update(gameTime);
  116.         }
  118.         protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
  119.         {
  120.             GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.White);
  122.             /*****************************************************************************************
  123.              * Here there are series of code that allows you to experiment with the way to locate
  124.              * your sprite fonts
  125.              * **************************************************************************************/
  127.             spriteBatch.Begin();
  128.             /********************************************************************
  129.              * Switch tests the Orientation
  130.              *******************************************************************/
  131.             switch (Window.CurrentOrientation.ToString())
  132.             {
  133.                 case ("LandscapeLeft"):
  134.                         spriteBatch.Draw(background, mainBackground_Landscape, color);
  135.                         break;
  136.                 case ("LandscapeRight"):
  137.                         spriteBatch.Draw(background, mainBackground_Landscape, color);
  138.                         break;
  139.                 case ("Portrait"):
  140.                         spriteBatch.Draw(background, mainBackground_Portrait, color);
  141.                         break;
  142.                 default:
  143.                         break;
  144.             }
  145.             /****************************************************************************************
  146.              * The output here is automatic via the Window.CurrentOrientation.ToString()
  147.              ***************************************************************************************/
  148.                 spriteBatch.DrawString(
  149.                         WeirdoFont,
  150.                         Window.CurrentOrientation.ToString(),
  151.                         new Vector2(70, 75), //Here I create a "new" vector on the fly
  152.                         font_Color);     
  153.             /********************************************************************
  154.              * The required end to the spriteBatch
  155.              *******************************************************************/
  156.             spriteBatch.End();
  157.             /********************************************************************
  158.              * base.Draw(gameTime) is entered by the default XNA Template
  159.              *******************************************************************/
  160.             base.Draw(gameTime);
  161.         }        
  162.     }
  163. }