Free refactor tool in all versions of Visual Studio, totally cool

I have been using refactoring with C# for quite awhile, and realized that many readers may not have noticed that the refactoring tool is quite smart.  In the following code, I noticed that the code starting with “String ViewportHeight” down to String BallX could be put in a method, but I was being lazy and not wanting to generate a parameter passing function.  Turns out that refactor detects the parameters and puts them into the refactoring for you!

Start with this code in the draw method:

 protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

    spriteBatch.Draw(t_ball, r_ball, Color.Red); 
     * Refactor Code starts here (start paste after
     * the line of asteriks or stars)
     * ***************************************************/
    String ViewportHeight =
    String ViewportWidth = 
    String ViewportData = 
        "Height =" + ViewportHeight + " Width = " + ViewportWidth;
    String BallY = 
        "Y= " + Convert.ToString(r_ball.Y);
    String BallX = 
        "X= " + Convert.ToString(r_ball.X); 
     * Refactor code finishes here (End paste at the line
     * above the line of asteriks or stars)
     * **************************************************/
    spriteBatch.DrawString(Font1, ViewportWidth, FontPosX, Color.Yellow);
    spriteBatch.DrawString(Font1, BallY, FontPosY, Color.Black);
 Right click on the commented code and select refactor-extract method, add a method name (that is: don’t use the default name) 

The code changes into the following:

             * Refactor Code starts here (start paste after
             * the line of asteriks or stars)
             * ***************************************************/
            String ViewportWidth;
            String BallY;
            StringForData(out ViewportWidth, out BallY);
             * Refactor code finishes here (End paste at the line
             * above the line of asteriks or stars)
             * **************************************************/

The following method was added by the refactoring:

 private void StringForData(out String ViewportWidth, out String BallY)
     String ViewportHeight =
     ViewportWidth =
     String ViewportData =
         "Height =" + ViewportHeight + " Width = " + ViewportWidth;
     BallY = "Y= " + Convert.ToString(r_ball.Y);
     String BallX =
         "X= " + Convert.ToString(r_ball.X);