What happens when you create a Visual Studio Project part 1

So you got Visual Studio on your system and created a few starter projects.  In this case you may be wondering what is in all of those folders and files generated by Visual Studio Project?


What happens when you select Visual Studio New Project?  First thing you get a bunch of templates to choose from.  In this case I am going to select WPF Application, which is used for a Kinect Demo I will eventually do.  You could choose any of the other projects from the templates, but for now let’s use the one I am suggesting.


Remember where you put the code, that is shown in the location.  Now Click OK, and then a bunch of files will be slammed into a folder with the path for my case:

The “Manifest” for your project is found in the bin folder at:

  • C:\Users\sstokes\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\WhatIsHappeningHere\WhatIsHappeningHere\bin\Debug\WhatIsHappeningHere.vshost.exe.manifest

Information on what the manifest file does can be found at:

More tomorrow (really).