Silverlight 5: Implicit Data Templates

I have just watched the video that I embedded here, and it is a great way to get started with Silverlight 5 beta.  In this video Pete Brown does a good, nay, excellent job of describing Implicit Data templates in Silverlight 5 Beta.  The code example is worth the download just for the good example of Model View Controller coding.

Pete Brown’s blog goes into the same material covered in the video, of course, but again, this is an important subject so make sure to read his blog carefully about this subject.  There will be thousands of pages written about data templates, but I think that if you understand his approach you are in good shape.

Why to would you use Pete’s code example and video?  I know that many students view Twitter as a great big sea of marketers and noise, and I know that many managers younger than me and older than the students think that Twitter is in heavy use by tech students.  I don’t find that this is true.  However, Twitter is a good place to learn how the general population is using twitter, and by using Pete Brown’s work, as well as others, you can begin to see how to filter out the junk from marketers and be able to tune into the important tweets, like mine!

Consider this practice: However, as always, my recommendation is that you download the wmv file and speed it up to 1.4 and make sure that the silent mode is on.  Not that Pete Brown is hard to listen to, but rather, you should be able to listen faster than he can talk.  If you are watching one of my videos, then it is required that you download the wmv, otherwise you will just fall asleep.

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