WebMatrix: UserVoice Helper

Ok, I will admit it, I thought this would add voice input or something like that to my website, but it is even more useful!  UserVoice adds support services to your website.  The UserVoice site, like you, needs to make money so you get a free trial.  If you want to use it on your website, it appears to be a good deal.  I have tried it, but you can always leave comments on this blog about your experience.  I will post it, unless you curse at me (cursing is defined as: The “seven” words fully spelled out, asterisk do not count as cursing).

To get started: https://uservoicehelper.codeplex.com/

To get your free trial: https://www.uservoice.com

Video on how to use:  https://channel9.msdn.com/posts/Using-the-UserVoice-Helper-with-ASPNET-WebPages