Artificial Intelligence: Fixing the Education system

Could cognitive artificial intelligence fix the K-12 education system in the US?  How would that work?  Would it lead to tyranny?

Recently, Microsoft has started to work on tools (not based on AI) such as the Sharepoint Learning Kit (SLK), which looks very good for low cost class management and learning systems.  It would be great to use the SLK for example to coordinate the work of online volunteers with students who need assistance in their homework.  One of the problems with volunteers is that they have jobs and sometimes can't make the appointments.  In that case it would be nice to have an expert system that would track that volunteer (not the student) and then be able to fill when the volunteer isn't present.

Using the Sharepoint tool, and without the use of AI, the student will get be able to fill in when the volunteer is not available via the SLK, with AI, the student would then experience a deeper relationship with the material that they are suppose to learn, the volunteer can have some "relief" time when work runs over and so forth.

 Like all of my other blogs, this one is to be continued.  Take a look at the Sharepoint Learning Kit, I am pretty excited about it, I am going to see about using it in my region to help with all the people who want to volunteer with schools.

 Could this tie into the Xbox 360? Sure, using Live Chat, etc.  the student could be reached by the volunteer or AI.  Ok, that was a stretch.