Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

MSTest V2: in-assembly parallel test execution

Introduction MSTest V2 v1.3.0 Beta2 now supports in-assembly parallel execution of tests - the top most requested/commented issue on the testfx repo. The feature can dramatically reduce the total time taken to execute a suite of tests. To get started, install the framework and adapter from NuGet. If you are already using MSTest V2, then ...

Top stories from the VSTS community – 2018.01.26

Here are top stories we found in our streams this week related to DevOps, VSTS, TFS and other interesting topics. TOP STORIES RADIOTFS TIP: If you want to get your VSTS news in audio form then be sure to subscribe to RadioTFS . FEEDBACK What do you think? How could we do this series...

Link wiki pages and work items, write math formulas in Wiki, Keyboard shortcuts and more…

Happy new year to all Wiki lovers. We are learning a lot with each passing day and in this blog I will share our learning and value that we delivered in the past few sprints. Few of these features are coming up in this sprint (Jan end). Link work items and Wiki pages In October, we had enabled the referencing work items to a wiki page, now ...

Power BI and VSTS Analytics

We have been working hard to improve the integration between VSTS Analytics and Power BI. We are happy to announce we've released the first step in doing so. The VSTS Power BI Desktop Connector has been updated to provide additional options for historical trend and bug analysis.   Please refer to our guidance on connecting to VSTS with Power...

Microsoft’s Performance Contributions to Git in 2017

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) hosts the largest Git repository in the world: the Windows source code. Keeping a primary copy of the code available in the cloud and having it be performant while being updated by over 4000 users at the same time is a monumental achievement, but it is only useful if engineers can use the core Git client on ...

Sharing of Deployment Groups across projects

Last year we released Deployment Groups in Public Preview during the May 2017 timeframe, which enabled customers to deploy software to their IaaS machines.  One of the big pieces of feedback we received was that this only partially addressed the scenario of customers sharing their IaaS machines (deployment targets) across multiple ...