Microsoft announces Developer Preview for Dynamics GP 2015

Kevin Racer - Click for blog homepageMicrosoft is pleased to announce the availability of the developer preview for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015.  This partner only preview is available to any registered Microsoft Dynamics GP partner and can be downloaded from PartnerSource.  The preview itself is comprised of four parts that once downloaded can be extracted into a single virtual machine instance containing a fully functional installation of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Service Based Architecture (SBA).  Information on using the virtual machine can be found in the attached readme document (at bottom of article).
The preview is intended to promote the exploration and early adoption of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Service Based Architecture by partners and ISV developers and cannot be used for customer test or production environments.  The Service Based Architecture is a set of new component services as well as changes to the Dexterity IDE and runtime that enables the creation of REST based web service operations that leverage existing sanScript code based functionality.  The Dexterity IDE has also been significantly enhanced to interoperate with Microsoft's .NET framework making it easier to use .NET classes and objects with in the sanScript language.  Users of the preview are encouraged to regularly check our blogs for updates and informational examples on this new architecture.


Part 1

File Name Dynamics_GPServiceISVDrop_Aug132014Parts.part1.rar
File Size 4193280 KB


Part 2

File Name Dynamics_GPServiceISVDrop_Aug132014Parts.part2.rar
File Size 4193280 KB


Part 3

File Name Dynamics_GPServiceISVDrop_Aug132014Parts.part3.rar
File Size 4193280 KB


Part 4

File Name Dynamics_GPServiceISVDrop_Aug132014Parts.part4.rar
File Size 1084807 KB


Don't forget to download the Readme document attached to the bottom of this article.


Please post your feedback as comments on the blog. 

Until next time

