Analytical Accounting Security Tasks and Security Roles issue

David Meego - Click for blog homepageWhile working on a case recently with a colleague we noticed that a user received a security privileges error for some windows which were part of Analytical Accounting. 

We used the Support Debugging Tool's Security Information window to have a look at what was happening and found that there were Security Tasks and Security Roles set up for Analytical Accounting, but due to some data issues they were not working properly.

You can see the problems if you run the following queries in the DYNAMICS database:

select * from SY09100 where SECURITYROLEID like 'AA%'
select * from SY10600 where SECURITYROLEID like 'AA%'
select * from SY09000 where SECURITYTASKID like 'AA%'
select * from SY10700 where SECURITYTASKID like 'AA%'

Look closely at the returned data and you can see the SECURITYROLEID for AA CLERK* has an extra space before CLERK (two spaces rather than one) in the SY09100 table. Also the SECURITYTASKID for AADEFAULTUSER* has a space before the asterisk (*) in the SY10700 table.

To fix the data, run the following statements against the DYNAMICS database:

update SY09100 set SECURITYROLEID = 'AA CLERK*'


This issue exists in GP 10 and GP 2010 and is currently scheduled to be fixed in GP 2010 Service Pack 3. 

Hope this is helpful.
