Microsoft Dynamics GP Performance and Version Comparison Whitepapers

David Meego - Click for blog homepageIf you have not been keeping track of the blogsphere you might have missed some new whitepapers that have been released....

If you ever get asked "Does Microsoft Dynamics GP scale well? ", the answer is simple... Yes.  "Can I have 2,500 users active while also have 10 external processes creating sales orders via web services? " ... Yes, and here is the documentation.

The scalability performance results for Microsoft Dynamics GP are in and documented in the following white paper:

For more information, please see:


If you ever get asked "Why should I upgrade to a newer version? " or "What does a later version have to offer me? ", you now have a new comparison guide that shows the features for versions v9.0, v10.0 and v11.0 (GP 2010) for different areas of the application.  It makes it easy to see how the functionality has improved for each version.

Check out the comparison white paper here:

For more information, please see:

NOTE: Don't forget you can also look at the What's New files installed with each version.


Download and use this information today.


16-Sep-2010: Added link to Microsoft Dynamics Partner Community Blog post.