Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Service Pack 5 Login Performance issue

David Meego - Click for blog homepageIt has come to our notice that there is an issue where the Analytical Accounting dictionary for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Service Pack 5 is adding 4 records to the syMenuMstr table every time the Microsoft Dynamics GP application is launched. 

Over time, the number of records in this table will become very large.  The syMenuMstr table is used during login by the process which hides the menu entries that a user does not have security access to. This issue will cause logging in on a SP5 system where Analytical Accounting is installed to slow down over time.

To resolve the issue for now it is recommended to create a daily SQL Server Job with the following code to remove the menu entry records for the Analytical Accounting product.  The valid menu entries will be recreated on the next login.

delete from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY07110 where CmdDictID = 3180

We are looking to including a fix in the next hotfix or tax update release for v10.0.

[Edit] This issue does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Service Pack 1, as it was discovered and fixed before the GP 2010 service pack was released.

Mariano also has some information on this issue, check out his Service Pack 5 affects Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 logon performance post.

[Edit] Also see Login Performance Issue for Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 SP5 and GP 2010 SP1 for a similar related issue.

Hope you find this useful.


21-Oct-2010: There is a hotfix now available for this issue (Analytical Accounting Hot fix 14 Release 10.00.1563).  It should be included in the November Compliance Update, but for now please contact support to request it. Note: You must run the delete statement above once AFTER installing the hotfix to remove the unwanted records.

29-Oct-2010: If you think you might have a similar issue.  Check the number of records in the syMenuMstr table using select count(*) from DYNAMICS.dbo.SY07110.  Then login and see if it increases each time a user logs in.  If it does, identify the CmdDictID from the newly added lines.  This will be the product which is adding new records and look up the product ID in the Dynamics.set. That's how you identify which addon product is the issue.  Then approach the developer (be it Microsoft, a partner or an ISV) to fix the issue.

09-Nov-2010: Updated with comments about Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Service Pack 1.

10-Mar-2010: Changed SQL Queries to use CmdDictID rather than CmdParentDictID.  This then looks at the menu entry's dictionary rather than where it is attaching to in the structure.