SnapShot for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Beta

David Meego - Click for blog homepageI am pleased to announce that SnapShot for the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Beta is available.

If you have not heard of SnapShot before, have a look at the previous post about this handy free tool.

SnapShot for Microsoft Dynamics GP

NOTE: SnapShot is not an officially released tool and is not supported.  It is made available "as is".

The code and documentation for v11.0 (GP 2010) is attached at the bottom of the article. If you need an earlier version, see the post above.

Hope you find this tool useful.


PS: Please note that the Support Debugging Tool's XML Table Export and XML Table Import features can perform the data transfer component of SnapShot and are independent of version and account framework. However, SnapShot's use of local Ctree data tables makes it faster than using XML files.