Outlook Programming : How to get the File Menu commands programmatically?

This time we will try using the Outlook Object model, we can able to get the Outlook File Menu commands programmatically (I tried with Outlook 10)

    1:          ...
    2:          ' First get the ActiveExplorer
    3:          Dim oExp As Outlook.Explorer = oApp.ActiveExplorer()
    5:          ' Then get the menu bar.
    6:          Dim oCmdBars As Office._CommandBars = oExp.CommandBars
    7:          Dim oCmdBar As Office.CommandBar = oCmdBars("Menu Bar")
    8:          'If needed display the CommandBar Name 
    9:          Console.WriteLine(oCmdBar.Name)
   11:          ' Get the controls 
   12:          Dim oBrCrls As Office.CommandBarControls = oCmdBar.Controls
   14:         ' Then get the File menu.
   15:          Dim oBPop As Office.CommandBarPopup = oBrCrls("File")
   16:         ' If needed display the caption
   17:          Console.WriteLine(oBPop.Caption)
   18:          oBrCrls = oBPop.Controls
   20:          ' Then loop each menu & display the caption
   21:          Dim oBtn As Office.CommandBarControl
   22:          For Each oBtn In oBrCrls
   23:              Console.WriteLine(oBtn.Caption)
   24:          Next
   25:          ....