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A workaround for no x64 SendToOneNote Print Driver

I just got this from Bruce on the OneNote Test team:

It's not optimal, but it does work. I use it here at Microsoft on my Vista x64 machine.

  1. Install one of the many converter programs that will allow you to output images files when you “Print”. For example, I’ve played with 
  2. Open your file in the native application (ie Adobe Reader, PowerPoint, etc)
  3. Print to the new printer, outputting to TIFF (multipage color)(the defaults for the example program above work just fine)
  4. Boot OneNote
  5. Insert | Picture and choose the TIFF image file

Done! You can now take notes over your inserted images. I should note that we won’t OCR the images (it uses the same print driver that doesn’t install under x64), so you won’t be able to search for words in the images or copy–and-paste their content. You will be able to take notes over them, view them, and so on.


As David wrote we are aware of this problem and there will be no fix for OneNote 2007 and we plan to address this in the next version of OneNote.  I just wanted to share this with everyone!

Update on 2009-05-05: David seems to have fixed this, detail here: OneNote Print Driver – A 64 Bit Solution, check it out!