DebugDiag 2 Update 1 is now available






NOTE:  This is not the latest version of DebugDiag.

Please download the latest version from













Hi All,

The DebugDiag development team is very excited to announce the general availability of DebugDiag 2 Update 1. This update targeted a number of issues that were raised in the previous 2.0 release. A summary of these issues is as follows:

-      DAC Load issues during analysis

-      A number of analysis rules exceptions fixed

-      Breakpoint Reset in control script

-      Dbghost leak with External Debugger Engine

-      Wrong Script block for configured exceptions

-      UI fixes in Crash Rule Preferences

-      …etc.

In addition to this, the update introduced some new features. A summary is as follows:

-   MiniDump support in analysis.

-   Reduced rule’s log file size.

-   Added debugging overhead summary in the rule’s log file.


Release is available at:

Please email us at dbgdiag at Microsoft dot com with any questions/issues.


Thank you

The DebugDiag Team