Razor sharp code

While researching an issue for a customer, I came across this older post by Jonathan Hardwick regarding font choices.  Most are stuff I already knew, but while Jonathan prefers Verdana for his code window, I’ve never been able to handle proportional fonts in code windows (I’m old enough to have learned how to code on Wyse 50 and VT100 terminals).  Nonetheless, he points to ProFont for those folks who can’t give up monospaced fonts.  On a whim I installed it, changed VS.NET to use it for code, then opened my last project.  Holy crap, it’s like that moment in the opthamologist office, after having your glasses off for most of the time, they ask you, “Which is clearer, number one… or number two?” and those letters snap into razor sharp focus.  Dang, I wish I had some code to write.  I’m still in research mode, but now I’ve got incentive to get that over with and start pounding out the sample I’m on the hook for.